CSS3 Gradient Generator is a small online tool that allows us to generate color gradients for most of the Web browsers y rendering engines of the present time, including the specification of the W3C, thanks to which compatibility between modern browsers is guaranteed.
The tool allows us to set from two to 4, 16, 32 and more colors - although so many colors in a gradient is not something that is needed every day, it must be said - the percentage of dominance of one color over another and the directions of the gradients (from left to right and vice versa, as well as from top to bottom and vice versa, or from custom positions).
The code that the tool gives us contains the colors used either in format RGB o hexadecimal, something really useful depending on our needs for what job. Unfortunately for older browsers we will have to continue using images previously edited on our computer.
More information - CSS3 gradient generator
Source - CSS3 Gradient Generator
thank you very much this is just what i was looking for