The full screen CSS menus They come in handy to use large images that tend to emphasize the theme of the web, be it a landing page, a photography site or even an eCommerce where we want to highlight a specific product.
This series of 10 full screen or full screen CSS menus follow current standards and they lead us to introduce that extra element of quality in web design that we must look for today. We have already followed another series of similar articles, such as east side menus o this other. Let's go with those 10 full screen CSS menus.
Full screen menu
This code with a bit of Flexbox and jQuery brings us to an elegant full-screen menu that stands out for its precise animation. That animation puts us before the different sections. Perfect for updating our website today.
Full screen navigation
Another very current full screen menu with a smooth and well rendered transition animation which takes us to the different sections that appear in good size. Surprising and very stylish.
Full screen menu
A minimalist full-screen menu that follows the quality of the previous ones, although in concept it is simpler. This does not mean that it is another of great quality to update our website and make it stand out to visitors.
Flexbox screen menu
This menu not rendering properly in IE. In any case, it is another one of high visual quality for those types of clients who are looking for something different, but that has a very professional look. Excellently carried out to be one of the most special on the list.
Full screen navigation
We want to put it difficult for you with this series of menus. This other is very elegant and carries a smooth transition animation. Very subtle for your website. You cannot miss it, so you are already having a choice to update your website with a code like the one offered in codepen. We recommend that you see the example so that you can interact with it and thus get a closer idea of how it would look.
CSS full screen menu
This full screen menu is of the simplest of the entire list. The hamburger icon located on the right and the menu that appears when we press it, right in the center of the screen. Worthy of being called a full screen menu made in CSS.
Full screen menu
This full screen menu is pure CSS and get darker the background so that after pressing the hamburger button we appear before the different menu options with a well-designed waterfall animation. Elegant it is without a doubt.
Pure CSS3 full screen menu
A full screen menu with a series of transitions and manufactured effects in pure CSS3. A bit simple in conception, although it cannot be missing from this list to be one very different from the rest.
Full screen navigation
This full screen menu made in HTML, CSS and JavaScript It is characterized by a transition animation at a slightly slow pace, but which gives something special to the web where the code is entered. It uses a hover in each of the sections to differentiate itself from the rest.
Pure CSS navigation menu
We end the list with a full screen navigation menu that is done in pure CSS. This time we have hamburger button on the left of the screen that activates the animation of a circle that opens to show the different sections of the menu. Perhaps the transition is slow, but it is configurable to put it to our liking.
We leave you with a series of forms in CSS so that text input that will be more comfortable and enjoyable for the web visitor.